Monday, April 9, 2018

The Early Stages Of Eclipse

Eclipse is yet another piece I am working on for my upcoming show at The Figge Art Museum this Summer.  Time is rapidly dwindling away.  There will be several pieces in the show that have a relief city scape-esque motif to them.  The relief elements actually take a fair amount of time to construct, so it's time to call in some back-up.

A few big days in the studio with help from the 4'-Assassin (about 16 hours worth of work between the two of us), and we had...

...this!  Bear in mind this is just stuck to an essentially random canvas that washed up on my shore.  I will soon cut it loose and attach it to a larger canvas.... this one!

After my base layer of colors dries (I allotted over a week for it to dry), I add my first layer of lines.

Now for some color!

I have a some line work to add and a couple to touch-ups to do, but by about this time next week, this sucker is gonna get its haze coat.  Then it will be time to plot and scheme about what I'm going to paint as the second layer.

Pop Culture Palimpsest opens in about two months.  You can read more about it by visiting The Figge Art Museum's website (HERE!).

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