Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Elko Dialog Becomes Tattoo Detective

Here's a quicky for you - the transformation from the first layer of imagery (with the working title of Elko Dialog) to the second layer (which earned the piece the name Tattoo Detective).

A quick layer of colorful hazing and then a second layer of imagery.

A slightly cropped version of the finished piece.

Until next time.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The LAST Batch of Sketches From This Past Winter.

 Thank you for sticking with me on this parade of sketches.  Here is the last page.


Next time we'll look at some new stuff.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Few More Sketches From This Past Winter: Part XI

 Another batch of drawings to peruse at your leisure. 

Only three more batches of drawings to go!  Until next time...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shapely Shapes and Other Considerations: Part VI

 Let's take a break from drawings and look at some of the goings on in the studio.

I spent many days this winter wrapping cardboard shapes with hot glue and fabric so I could make pieces like the image you see below. In an earlier post I showed a whole stack of 'starts'/'components' just waiting to be incorporated into an idea that has yet to fully manifest.

Here's what the different pieces look like. I write a number on each one so I can remember how thick (how many plys of cardboard) to make each shape. It's not uncommon to have a delay of several days, or weeks, between when I decide to make these shapes and when I actually fabricate them.  If I had to rely on my memory, I'd be doomed.  Notes and sketches whenever possible.

This is another piece that has just been primed.  I have a lot of decisions ahead of me as far as how this dude is gonna turn out.

The same thing can be said about this canvas.  I'm just at an early playing around stage with what's going on.

Anyway, that's an early peek at some things in progress.

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Few More Sketches From This Past Winter: Part X

 Making some serious headway on posting these sketches.  They will be used in a whole mess of paintings I am currently starting in my studio.


Detail shots.

Only a few more to go!