Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Carving a Panel or Two (or Three..)

I have several wooden panels lying around the studio awaiting some attention.  By attention, I mean hours and hours of carving with my trusty Dremel Tool.  Since I have been painting a great deal as of late, a day or two spent in the carve-a-torium seems like an acceptable reprieve.

In a couple earlier posts, I talked about making pieces/compositions with multiple panels.  At least two of these carvings will likely become part of that idea.

This first panel is likely going to be paired with the canvas Imminent Departure (I will show them paired together in a future post).  I am unsure if all of the individual components will been titled, or if there will just be a title for the overall structure/composition.  That definitely seems like something to worry about at a much later date.

The figure at the top right is a drawing I made based off of the marketing mascot Marty Mayrose from Mayrose Meats. My friend Terry Rathje loaned me a book entitled 'Meet Mr. Product'. The book is chocked full of various advertising mascots from the truly obscure to much more mainstream.

Let the priming begin! (scroll quickly!)

Priming finished.

Just a few peeks at the color.  Marty Mayrose is smiling down on the whole process.

The second panel I'm going to show is going to be paired with The Brain Jar of Dr. Pantalones.  Both pieces have a ways to go, but I like how they work together so far.

This last panel currently does not have a partner.  I combined some sketches I thought would work well together and went from there.

I will save the progress images of these three panels getting color for a future post.  I have a few more panels in the drawing stage as well...

Next time we'll take a look at some play time in the studio.

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