Monday, July 1, 2024

The Beginning Stages of The Last Supper(time at Burger Mundo)

Several years ago at The Figge Art Museum, there was a super cool show of the work of William Hawkins.  In that show, there was an entire wall of William Hawkins' versions of The Last Supper. Not being an artist who wishes to miss a good bandwagon when I see one, I thought that I too should make a last supper.  This is of course another way of saying I was inspired by Hawkins' passion and work.

Here are some images of the beginning stages of my 4-panel Last Supper.

I spent awhile figuring out the layout for the Burger Mundo restaurant and then proceeded to cut it out of cardboard.

Truth be told, the piece stayed in this state for several years while I moved studios - a process fraught with upheaval.

I also started combing my sketchbooks to locate suitable faces/apostles to sit around the table.  Once located, I drew them on scrap pieces of wood and then carved them out with my trusty Dremel tool.

Once carved out, I needed to figure out who would sit next to whom.

Here's a shot from the raised area of my studio.

Before I go to much further, I need to make the main man of this story.

A few empty tables with chairs.

These last images actually got us up to late Fall of 2023.  I put the piece away for the winter and transitioned over to cardboard working/cutting/wrapping.

So here's a few shots of the piece as I dug it out to start working on again about a month ago.

Some of the apostles are going to need bodies, and the ends of a corner booth.  As an aside, I have multiple memories of going to restaurants that had corner booths and insisting that we sit in the corner booth.  It was a blast having the whole family/group snugged in together around the table.  As an adult - and a husky one at that, I now realize what an abject torture the corner booth had to represent for the adults in the group.  And the table size? That was like having a Thanksgiving dinner with 8 adults around a four-person folding card table.  My god?  What sane adult(s) let this happen?

Anyway, apostles jammed into a corner booth amused me enough to put that into this piece.

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