Thursday, May 23, 2024

Shapely Shapes and Other Consideration: Part IV

 Here's a quicky.

This next composition was basically stuck in a black garbage bag with all of the other cardboard shapes I have cut out over the last few years.  All of them patiently waiting until some day when I was 'in the mood' to deal with them.

That day recently came and I was starting to wrap this dude up with old fabric, when I realized I wasn't so gung-ho on its intended arrangement that I thought up some unknown time in the past.  So I started to play around with NOT attaching the bottom set of arches.

Doubled up.

Flip the whole thing over and make the top the bottom.

Then I decided to start stacking the main part on some more rows of arches.

4 rows seems to be the magic number.  However, I haven't tested it with 5, 6, or 7 rows...yet.

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