Friday, May 24, 2024

Shapely Shapes and Other Considerations: Part V

Good ole 'Part Vee'. Here's the beginning of another canvas I have been working on recently.

This one started out as a partial sketch on a scrap piece of note card laying on my work bench.  I didn't crop out some of the extra stuff on the note card so you can get a sense of my filing system.

I put an orientation arrow on it to remind myself that this will also make a pretty good layer on one of my smaller canvases that I have been priming the last few days.

Anyway, the initial drawing/sketch took about two days to cut out of cardboard so I could have actual physical shapes to arrange on an actual canvas.  Here's the first configuration.  I had the circle/crescent shape stashed in one of several black trash bags that are full of cardboard shapes.  Right now I'm just test driving this configuration to see if I like it/respond to it.

About this time I decided I wanted created an opening/penetration in the lower right.  That took about a day in the studio to make those shapes and get them wrapped with fabric.

Then I prime the whole mess after attaching it to the surface of the canvas with adhesive caulk. Currently that circle/crescent aren't part of the composition.

It's at this point that I have decided to ditch/omit the circle/crescent and devise some other solution by adding this other shape coming in from the left.

Here's the whole mess with some extra rails/ladders added.

We'll see where things go from here...

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