Friday, June 26, 2020

The Spark of an Idea: Vol. III

Sometimes the smallest things can generate an idea (or even ideas -if you're lucky).  When I was removing the hooks from the back of The Big Show (you can read about that piece by clicking on this LINK) , seeing the hook just made me think of the eye-hook hanger that would complete the transaction.  From there, a whole piece just popped into my head.

I knew if I didn't jot down this fleeting idea quickly it would dissipate just as quickly as it formed.  Since I wasn't close to any of my sketchbooks, I just did a quick finger doodle in my 'Notes' app on my phone.  Here's that drawing -just enough to remind me of what I was thinking.

Months later I finally got around to tackling that idea.  I started with a thumbnail sketch...

...and then I moved on to laying out the piece on a canvas.

Once I had the hooked pieces satisfactorily arranged, I laid down some cardboard so I could draw out the other shapes needed to complete the composition.

Before I cut the shapes out, I write numbers on the various shapes.  The numbers on the different sections/shapes are to remind me how thick (layers of cardboard) I want to make each section.  Because once these sections are all cut out, they may reside in a plastic grocery bag for quite a while before I get back to working on this piece again.  I can't trust in 3 weeks or 3 months that I will remember what I was thinking today.

The basic layout...

...looks similar to the original sketch.

As an added bonus I've included some negative shapes that were generating while cutting out the shapes I wanted.  They might spark ideas of their own.  Who knows?

Next time we'll look at some other things, or maybe some stuff...

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