Monday, December 19, 2022

Relics of The Republic: Relay Station Number 8 and Eternal Watcher1

 A twofer!

Relay Station Number 8 juxtaposes pair and trio elements, and surface treatments against each other to create a sense of dynamism throughout the piece.

Theoretically, parents shouldn't have favorites, but this piece is one of my favorites.  Everything (the glazes, the movements of masses, the sense of scale, the contrasting textures) came together just right.

It actually took a couple different glazing sessions over the course of a couple of days to complete the glazing on Relay Station Number 8.

By comparison, Eternal Watcher1, has a much shinier/runnier glaze treatment than the predominately mat finishes Relay Station Number 8 does.

Jumping back in time a few days, here's a shot of several pieces early in the glazing process (I've just applied the first wash of Gun Metal Black. and wiped it off so it basically just stains the cracks/crevices).  The second one from the left is Eternal Watcher1.

After several more layers/washes of glaze, here is Eternal Watcher1.

Only a few more pieces to go!

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